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A married man is on my Gise

A married man is on my Gise

Hello Joro, Good day. I have an isse, I am broke, I have started 2 businesses this year and none have made any profts. I am even ow ng. I am tired of appiying for jobs because they don't call back, I have sent my CV to all family I know. This year has been bed for me.

I met this merried men he has been on my case, I've been telling him n for 4 months now. He has tried and tried and offOred me mOney but I tell him no.

He came last week and said he wants to give me money to help me and I have to sle p with him and date him.


> with him and d' te hin.

1 am seriously considering it because next month is June and I have not accomplished an ing this year.

Should I s!

ip with him ?

My mother needs my help and support.

My friends who date married men are glowing up, their glow up is epic. I need money. Where did My no'get me? Why am I thinking about his w fe? What if his wife st ot with me aried men and I'm her karma?


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