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The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination



The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination 

Under the ravishing dark sky and benevolent big moon a 1000 young chaps between the ages of 12-15 tour some of the craziest streets in Lagos at nights in an intensive, exhilarating and captivating atmosphere

The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination will be filled with grit, passion, excitement laced with a bit of adventure.

Like nothing before ever seen or done anywhere in the world, this is a first of its kind

The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination proudly produced by Saved City will be a global phenomenon, it promises to be a Stand and Deliver sporting entertainment

The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos no doubt will be the greatest live sports event in the history of Nigeria, 

The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination will be breathtaking, pulsating and Magical. proudly Supported by Checkers Custard, Devon Kings Oil, Honda, Fanmilk, IE Hub, Simba Planet, Stremvans Capital, Lagos State

On Fire by Kriston Drums


On Fire by Kriston Drums

Artist’s Inspiration

In an interview, Kriston Drums explained the meaning behind “On Fire.” 

He said, “The phrase ‘on fire’ is a common idiom that represents passion, enthusiasm, and unwavering determination.” 

He continued, “In this song, it refers to the unwavering spirit of Nigerians in the face of economic challenges, particularly inflation.”

The Artist

Kriston Drums, a music producer raised in Lagos, Nigeria, uses his music to highlight this theme and inspire others through creative expression.

Listen to the Song

You can listen to “On Fire” by Kriston Drums on Songwhip:


Copyright © Kriston Drums & Digital Bimpe

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I Admired My Friend's Younger Sister


Written by anonymous writer

Before graduating from secondary school, my brother's friend and I connected well, despite my brother describing him as weird during their school days. 

However, I appreciated his uniqueness. I recall a moment when he visited our family home, and though I wanted to kiss him, I hesitated due to my teenage years. 

Later, he took me on a date to the cinema, not revealing his plans to travel to Ghana.

Despite the eventual distance, we cherished the memories captured in some Facebook photos, experiencing teenage love together. Upon starting college, I suggested ending our relationship to avoid infidelity, opting to remain friends instead. 

This decision led to a rift between us, revealing aspects of his character I hadn't seen before, and our relationship deteriorated.

Despite our closeness, his actions disappointed me, especially regarding my NGO. Losing both a relationship and a valued friendship was challenging, and his continued presence in my life, albeit as a stalker, leaves me puzzled about his intentions.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationship

Despite Taking a Loan, This Man Pursued a Romantic Relationship with Me at Work


Written by Anonymous Writer

I recall visiting my dad's friend's uncle to secure a loan for my apartment. My intention was to renew my lease, as the loan enabled me to live on the island. After clearing the rents, I was informed it would be the last loan they could offer me, and I'd have to manage on my own thereafter. At that point, I was contemplating leaving the company.

As I was about to depart, a tall, dark man approached me, asking for my number, which I reluctantly provided. Initially, I assumed he was married, but later learned he was single. Despite this, I was already committed to someone else and didn't want to pursue a relationship with him.

After my previous relationship ended, I started dating the man who had approached me, whom I'll refer to as "N". While it could be considered a rebound, I genuinely cared for him. Our first date was at church, where he displayed affection towards me. Despite his romantic gestures, we refrained from intimacy.

As our relationship progressed, I discovered that N came from a wealthy background, which was a surprise to me. I expressed my desire to meet his family, and he eventually agreed. Visiting his family's estate was eye-opening, as I had never experienced such opulence before. Meeting his family, I realized why other women had been drawn to him, but I valued him for more than just his looks or wealth.

N's mother welcomed me warmly, offering maternal advice and guidance. However, I found it odd that N shared intimate details of our relationship with his family. Despite my efforts to bond with his brothers, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being out of place.

Our relationship had its ups and downs, but we genuinely cared for each other. However, when I broached the topic of marriage, N admitted he wasn't ready. This realization, coupled with other issues, led to our eventual breakup.

Reflecting on the relationship, I realized that it took me years to move on and enter into another relationship. Despite the challenges, I learned valuable lessons about love, commitment, and self-worth.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships

Rethink Labeling: Not All Church Members Fit Stereotypes


Written by Anonymous Writer 

Relationship with P:

I dated P after being rejected by someone I was interested in. While we had initial conversations, things turned negative quickly. He criticized my apartment despite being a church member expected to uphold certain values. Additionally, he pressured me into intimacy despite having no emotional connection.

Financial Strain:

Despite my financial limitations, I helped P when he was unwell, even using my last money to buy his medication and groceries. When I needed help finding an apartment, he expressed discomfort due to my male friends. Thankfully, I received assistance from others.

Unreciprocated Investment:

Throughout the relationship, I was the one spending money and taking P out. I discovered he was involved with another woman, which led to the relationship's end.

Unnecessary Conflict:

After leaving Lagos, P's primary partner called me disrespectfully, demanding I leave "her man." I plan to address this situation firmly when our paths cross.

Copyright ©️ we all love relationships

The Bus Ride


Written By Anonymous

After ending a long-term relationship, I moved back home, attending school online. One day, while riding the bus, I met a man named D. He struck up a conversation, and we exchanged numbers. We became close friends, and he was incredibly supportive, even attending my school prom and helping me get ready.

Despite the strong connection, we never became intimate due to various factors, including his age and differing interests. We even had a public argument and reconciliation, showcasing the complexities of our relationship. He helped me professionally by referring me to jobs, but my family disapproved of him for unclear reasons.

Ultimately, our paths diverged, and we are no longer together. However, he occasionally contacts me, which can be unsettling.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships

Regaining Connection, Finding Love


Written By Anonymous Writer 

During my busy work schedule, I barely had time for socializing. One day, an old friend invited me to a church singles event. Despite having a work shift, I convinced a colleague to cover for me, hoping to expand my social circle.

The event proved to be a whirlwind of unexpected encounters. I came face-to-face with my ex-fiancé and another former partner, both creating moments of awkwardness.

Seeing this as an opportunity, I approached my old friend, hoping to reconnect and possibly rebuild our relationship. However, he remained distant throughout the evening, socializing with my exes. He eventually informed me that he wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship, leaving me feeling hurt and confused.

Dejected, I returned home. But amidst the disappointment, a glimmer of hope emerged. A kind church member named P, whom I had met earlier, offered me his support and eventually asked me to be his girlfriend. Our connection blossomed into a new relationship.

Later, I learned that one of my exes was dating a church member I knew. Seeing them together, happy and compatible, brought a sense of closure. While my initial attempt to reconnect with an old friend didn't go as planned, it ultimately led me to a new and fulfilling relationship.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationship’s

Farewell for a Mission


Written by Anonymous Writer 

Farewell for a Mission

The story follows my encounter with S, a humorous and handsome individual with whom I shared a platonic relationship. He maintained strong self-control and discipline, adhering to his religious beliefs. However, our connection was cut short when he revealed his plans to embark on a two-year religious mission. Though heartbroken, I respected his decision.

The narrative continues in the next chapter, detailing my subsequent relationship with a different individual named D. It is important to note that this future chapter will not intertwine with the present story to avoid confusion.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships

The Rejected Engagement


Written by Anonymous Writer 

I stayed at his place and performed household chores, expecting him to follow religious principles. However, at 18, I was a virgin, and he convinced me to have sex on the day he proposed. Though initially painful, it became better. However, I wasn't fully comfortable.

I questioned if the proposal was just a ploy for sex. He never mentioned the engagement to his family, and I discovered him with another woman. My mother disapproved, and when he attempted to introduce himself formally, she requested he meet with her pastor. The relationship ended the next day, leaving me heartbroken.

Everyone at college knew and mocked me. Years later, the best man claimed my mother caused the breakup. I was upset with her, but she remains my mother. Ironically, the married best man pursued me for sex, which I repeatedly refused.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships

College Encounter


Written By An Anonymous Writer 

During my freshman year at university, I underwent a mandatory health screening. While at the clinic, I met K, a kind and gentle Igbo man. We exchanged contact information and soon began dating. K was attentive and supportive, providing financial assistance and encouragement in my studies. He even accompanied me to church and offered help with my French studies.

Despite maintaining a low profile, our relationship attracted unwanted attention. My living situation with a single mother and step-sister who disapproved of the relationship added another layer of complexity. However, K remained respectful and patient, waiting for me to be ready to take the next step.

One evening, while visiting K's place, an uncomfortable situation arose. K initiated physical intimacy, which I politely declined. He respected my decision, demonstrating his self-control and good character. This incident solidified my understanding of his genuine nature.

Although we never engaged in sexual relations, K continued to treat me with kindness and respect. The most heartbreaking aspect of the story is the societal pressure that ultimately led to the demise of our relationship. A fellow church member, who I was unaware of his feelings, expressed his disapproval of our relationship due to his non-membership status.

As a young adult at the time, I naively allowed these external influences to impact my relationship with K. I entered into a relationship with the church member while still involved with K, which ultimately led to the breakdown of both relationships. Honesty compelled me to confess my actions to K, causing immense pain for both of us.

Looking back, I deeply regret allowing societal expectations to dictate the course of my relationship with K. This experience serves as a reminder of the importance of following one's heart and standing up for what truly matters.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships

The Older Man: A Deceptive Encounter


Written By Anonymous Writer 


After graduating high school at 18, I decided to pursue dating. Throughout my teenage years, I prioritized academics, striving to make my family proud. In fact, I excelled as a student and even became the valedictorian of my graduating class.

One day at church, I met a man named M. He introduced himself as a returning missionary and impressed me with his tall stature, handsome features, and dark complexion. When I inquired about his age, he claimed to be 25, and I naively believed him.

My adopted brother, Ebuka, who hailed from the Igbo tribe, often welcomed individuals experiencing homelessness into our family. Ebuka, however, expressed skepticism about M's age, believing him to be in his 40s. Despite these doubts, I introduced M to my family and close friends, while only meeting a few of his close associates. Our relationship remained largely unknown within the church community.

As I prepared for college, I confided in M about my concerns regarding the future of our relationship. It was during my college years that I discovered M had married a white woman, presumably for immigration purposes. While I wouldn't say I was heartbroken, I did experience a deep sense of disappointment and hurt.

However, I was young and determined to focus on my future, refusing to be confined by the drama of this relationship. This experience, though challenging, has become a source of personal growth and inspiration for writing this story. My hope is that sharing my journey will resonate with others and contribute to my healing process.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships

The School Father Relationship


Written by Anonymous Writer ✍️ 

From a young age, I developed a strong admiration for the senior school prefect, who I'll call R. I was in junior secondary school (JSS) one, and he was in senior secondary school (SS) three. We eventually went to different schools in my final year.

We used to talk on the phone for hours at night, but one day, we had an argument about religion. I told him I couldn't marry a Catholic, but as a teenager, I was immature and didn't understand that love shouldn't be limited by religious beliefs. We distanced ourselves from each other for a long time.

R was present at my high school graduation. While I wouldn't say he was my first love, he was someone who patiently waited for me to mature before pursuing a romantic relationship. However, I only saw him as a mentor, not a potential boyfriend. What hurt most was the missed opportunity to express my feelings. I tried visiting him at his bar, but upon seeing other women there, I simply left.

Years later, I was in a relationship with someone else. Coincidentally, R, who was now living near Lekki Ajah, tried to contact me. Unfortunately, my phone battery was dead, and I couldn't meet him. This led to a misunderstanding and him blocking me. With the help of a mutual friend, we eventually reconciled, and I apologized for the missed opportunity.

The story continues with further details about the anonymous relationship experiences.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships