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Despite Taking a Loan, This Man Pursued a Romantic Relationship with Me at Work


Written by Anonymous Writer

I recall visiting my dad's friend's uncle to secure a loan for my apartment. My intention was to renew my lease, as the loan enabled me to live on the island. After clearing the rents, I was informed it would be the last loan they could offer me, and I'd have to manage on my own thereafter. At that point, I was contemplating leaving the company.

As I was about to depart, a tall, dark man approached me, asking for my number, which I reluctantly provided. Initially, I assumed he was married, but later learned he was single. Despite this, I was already committed to someone else and didn't want to pursue a relationship with him.

After my previous relationship ended, I started dating the man who had approached me, whom I'll refer to as "N". While it could be considered a rebound, I genuinely cared for him. Our first date was at church, where he displayed affection towards me. Despite his romantic gestures, we refrained from intimacy.

As our relationship progressed, I discovered that N came from a wealthy background, which was a surprise to me. I expressed my desire to meet his family, and he eventually agreed. Visiting his family's estate was eye-opening, as I had never experienced such opulence before. Meeting his family, I realized why other women had been drawn to him, but I valued him for more than just his looks or wealth.

N's mother welcomed me warmly, offering maternal advice and guidance. However, I found it odd that N shared intimate details of our relationship with his family. Despite my efforts to bond with his brothers, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being out of place.

Our relationship had its ups and downs, but we genuinely cared for each other. However, when I broached the topic of marriage, N admitted he wasn't ready. This realization, coupled with other issues, led to our eventual breakup.

Reflecting on the relationship, I realized that it took me years to move on and enter into another relationship. Despite the challenges, I learned valuable lessons about love, commitment, and self-worth.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships

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