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The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination



The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination 

Under the ravishing dark sky and benevolent big moon a 1000 young chaps between the ages of 12-15 tour some of the craziest streets in Lagos at nights in an intensive, exhilarating and captivating atmosphere

The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination will be filled with grit, passion, excitement laced with a bit of adventure.

Like nothing before ever seen or done anywhere in the world, this is a first of its kind

The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination proudly produced by Saved City will be a global phenomenon, it promises to be a Stand and Deliver sporting entertainment

The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos no doubt will be the greatest live sports event in the history of Nigeria, 

The Magic Tour - Streets of Lagos tagged Final Destination will be breathtaking, pulsating and Magical. proudly Supported by Checkers Custard, Devon Kings Oil, Honda, Fanmilk, IE Hub, Simba Planet, Stremvans Capital, Lagos State

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