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The School Father Relationship


Written by Anonymous Writer ✍️ 

From a young age, I developed a strong admiration for the senior school prefect, who I'll call R. I was in junior secondary school (JSS) one, and he was in senior secondary school (SS) three. We eventually went to different schools in my final year.

We used to talk on the phone for hours at night, but one day, we had an argument about religion. I told him I couldn't marry a Catholic, but as a teenager, I was immature and didn't understand that love shouldn't be limited by religious beliefs. We distanced ourselves from each other for a long time.

R was present at my high school graduation. While I wouldn't say he was my first love, he was someone who patiently waited for me to mature before pursuing a romantic relationship. However, I only saw him as a mentor, not a potential boyfriend. What hurt most was the missed opportunity to express my feelings. I tried visiting him at his bar, but upon seeing other women there, I simply left.

Years later, I was in a relationship with someone else. Coincidentally, R, who was now living near Lekki Ajah, tried to contact me. Unfortunately, my phone battery was dead, and I couldn't meet him. This led to a misunderstanding and him blocking me. With the help of a mutual friend, we eventually reconciled, and I apologized for the missed opportunity.

The story continues with further details about the anonymous relationship experiences.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships 

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