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Rethink Labeling: Not All Church Members Fit Stereotypes


Written by Anonymous Writer 

Relationship with P:

I dated P after being rejected by someone I was interested in. While we had initial conversations, things turned negative quickly. He criticized my apartment despite being a church member expected to uphold certain values. Additionally, he pressured me into intimacy despite having no emotional connection.

Financial Strain:

Despite my financial limitations, I helped P when he was unwell, even using my last money to buy his medication and groceries. When I needed help finding an apartment, he expressed discomfort due to my male friends. Thankfully, I received assistance from others.

Unreciprocated Investment:

Throughout the relationship, I was the one spending money and taking P out. I discovered he was involved with another woman, which led to the relationship's end.

Unnecessary Conflict:

After leaving Lagos, P's primary partner called me disrespectfully, demanding I leave "her man." I plan to address this situation firmly when our paths cross.

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