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The Rejected Engagement


Written by Anonymous Writer 

I stayed at his place and performed household chores, expecting him to follow religious principles. However, at 18, I was a virgin, and he convinced me to have sex on the day he proposed. Though initially painful, it became better. However, I wasn't fully comfortable.

I questioned if the proposal was just a ploy for sex. He never mentioned the engagement to his family, and I discovered him with another woman. My mother disapproved, and when he attempted to introduce himself formally, she requested he meet with her pastor. The relationship ended the next day, leaving me heartbroken.

Everyone at college knew and mocked me. Years later, the best man claimed my mother caused the breakup. I was upset with her, but she remains my mother. Ironically, the married best man pursued me for sex, which I repeatedly refused.

Copyright ©️ We All Love Relationships

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